Monday, March 02, 2009

Bon Qui Qui Kid Dunavant Style

If you don't think Bon Qui Qui is funny, you won't appreciate this video. However, if you are one of our "Bon Qui Qui Friends" (you know who you are)...this is for you!


Anonymous said...

Gurl, that is too funny! I had no idea Matthew Ray had some Bon Qui Qui in him! My boo April had said for me to come watch it. :)
Love y'all,

Anonymous said...

Jonathan said Meredith is better than the real Bon Qui Qui! Great video!

Georgia said...

I laugh a lot but I haven't laughed this hard in it

Anonymous said...

Oh Hi-lar-ious! You guys were too funny! I'm guessing yall have watched that video a few times, huh?

Angela Tinker

The Meurriers said...

We LOVE Bon Qui Qui!!!!! And all the Dunavants, too!

Anonymous said...

Jared and I just got a big laugh out of that!!! You guys are sho nuf hilarious!!! Tru dat!!