Thursday, October 08, 2009

What have we been doing???

It's been a while since I have blogged but I have a really good reason....I promise! All schools here were closed for a couple of weeks due to the "most recent" flu going around the world. So, our school decided to send all of the school work home for the parents to homeschool their children during this "time off" to keep us from extending the year into the summer.
The kids did a great job and we worked day and night on all of their assignments...but I am TIRED...whew..that was A LOT! 3 different kids at 3 very different levels...let's just say I am EXTREMELY thankful for our school here and how it ministers to our family.
Here are the kids working really hard:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, we are having to do the same thing! Megan starts on Sun but Jared still has 1 more week off. Can't wait till they both are back at school full time! Love the pics!!