These first two stories seem to reflect how much my children think of my cooking!
1. One of our family devotions this week was on the story of Peter's Mother-in-law, sick with a fever. Madison and Matthew Ray still have to be quizzed over what we are actually reading about so Matt stops frequently and asks questions to make sure they are listening. This is how the devotion went:
Matt began reading, "Simon Peter's mother-in-law was sick with a fever."
Matt: "What was she sick with?"
Madison: "She had the flu or something like that."
Matt continues reading, "When Jesus healed her she got up and PREPARED a meal for them."
Matt: "What did she do when Jesus healed her?"
Madison: "She got up and ORDERED them something to eat."
**Some of you may not be familiar with where we live but ORDERING food is very common here! Everyone orders from everywhere here because almost every place delivers! (even McDonald's)
2. I was sitting with Madison and Matthew Ray in the kitchen one morning before school. We were talking about some of our favorite things. I asked them, "What is the most favorite thing mommy cooks for you?" There was silence...more silence (which is so uncommon for these two!) Then Matthew Ray looks over at the fruit bowl and says, "Momma, I really like y
3. Meredith is becoming quite the "teen-agery type" these days and comes out with some "teen-agery" sayings. She called her Grammie today to tell her Aunt Juliana to bring her two things when she comes to visit this summer. This is how the conversation went.
Meredith: "Grammie, I need Juliana to bring in some very RANDOM things for me this summer. Now, they are really RANDOM. There are only two things and they don't have anything to do with one another. They are really RANDOM!"
Grammie: "What do you need her to bring?"
Meredith: "Now they are RANDOM...but I need a teen-girl devotion book and some string cheese. They are RANDOM, aren't they?"
Grammie: "Yes, I guess they are."
Meredith: "Well, I guess I could read the devotional book while I eat string cheese!!"
4. Matthew Ray was helping me put things up after supper tonight. He opened the refrigerator and saw a bag of marshmallows. He said, "Now mom....this is only a marshmallow. I know it is for camping but you don't have to be afraid of it!" It quickly dawned on me that
1 comment:
Josh and I are laughing so hard at Madison's interpretation of the devotional with Peter's MIL!! That is too funny. You are definitely raising a little Egyptian girl!
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