Monday, August 02, 2010

Meredith's Golden Year...

Meredith has been saying for years that she couldn't wait for her "golden year" birthday! I had no idea what that meant until she explained to me that it was the number of her age matched with the date of her birthday. So, since she was born on August 14, her golden year is this year when she will be turning 14!
We decided that her birthday would be really special this year to spend with her best friend, Jenna. Jenna has a July bday so we had a joint party for the two of them.

Such great friends...
Meredith's former teacher, Allison, from Egypt even came!
and these girls have known each other since Meredith was 2..sweet Wendi and Whitney....
The blow up slide was a big hit, making everyone extremely sore the following day..:)
Jenna made Meredith a poster of old pics, friend sayings and memories of their thoughtful!
They HAD to have this cabana cake...yummy!
It was a great day to get the bday celebrating always, we will be having another party on her "real" bday with family, especially since it is her GOLDEN YEAR! :)

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