Thursday, July 16, 2009

There's No Place like H...I mean...Grandaddy and Grammies!

Meredith has made it to Arkansas and according to Grammy..."She's made herself right at home like she has always lived here!" and "That girl can eat!" I guess she feels pretty comfy in her home away from home. :)

Getting ready....when did she grow up??
We miss that face around here! :(
Get her full, Grammy! Grandaddy, make her work in that garden! She needs to earn her keep!

Crazy Cousins

Meredith and Callie....just 9 months apart...get together at best once a year...seem to never miss a beat...and get crazier (and cuter) each time!

Catching Up

Meredith took her camera with her and she sent me more pictures today of her many adventures. Here she is with many of her "old buddies" as they caught up on old times at Calvary...sweet memories.
I can't believe how everyone has grown up so fast! (even you, Andrea!:)

Gotta have a gansta's in our blood (somewhere)